"Whoever receives one little child like this in my name, receives me..."
Matt 18:5

At Cornerstone our children are a huge priority. We believe that God can reveal himself to children just like He does to adults. So we strive to place children in a fun, age appropriate, gospel centered environment every week.

We believe that effectively ministering to the next generation needs to be a primary goal of the church. Our desire is to present the Gospel in an understandable way to the children that encounter our ministries, and continue to disciple them as they interact with the Scriptures on a weekly basis.


We offer nursery for babies and toddlers, a pre-school class for ages 4-6, and Jr. Church for children ages 7-10. All of our workers have a background check and are trained specifically for these environments.


Offering a safe, secure, Christ-centered area that your kids can have fun in, is of the utmost importance to our staff and volunteers. Because of that every volunteer is required to undergo a background check, and receives training on how best to serve your children. We also have a strict check-in/out system which requires parents to authorize who is able to retrieve their children, as well as 24/7 video monitoring in areas where children are present.

What to Expect



Parents can feel comfortable bringing their infants from 0-3 years old to our nursery where trained and qualified workers will care for their children. We split this ministry between our Infants & Toddlers.

Early Learners


Our Preschool ministry is for children aged 4-6 years old. This is a space specifically set aside for those kids that are a little big for nursery, but still a little young for Jr. Church.

Kids who join us in this age group are introduced to foundational Biblical truths in an accessible way via musical worship, short stories, games, and crafts.

Jr. Church


We call this ministry Jr. Church because it's just that! Our kids aged 7-10 years old have fun activities, musical worship, and an intentional Bible lesson time. It is our way of preparing them to join our main church worship service as they grow older.

Sunday Mornings

8am, 9:45am & 11:30 AM

Nursery:         0-1 years old
Toddlers:        2-3 years old
Preschool:     4-6 years old
JR. Church:     7-10 years old

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