Cornerstone Church,
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 (NKJV) 13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man's all. 14 For God will bring every work into judgment, Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil.
What should we do?
Fearing God as a principle of life means that we live as if our life is on loan from God. We treat our bodies as His temple, we align our words and actions appropriately. We live with the understanding of God’s Ownership. Obedience follows as we submit our induvial wills to His eternal Word. Keeping His commandments recognizes that at the end of the day, only one Opinion will matter. In the conclusion of the matter, nothing else matters other than God’s Opinion of our lives, therefore we live lives of Obedience under the principle of God’s Ownership.
How do we do this?
Ecclesiastes 12:1 (NKJV) Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, Before the difficult days come, And the years draw near when you say, "I have no pleasure in them"
Return on investment always depends on how much we invest, and how early we invest. Solomon tells us that the best way that we can apply the principle of ownership is to Remember God when we are young. Too many people are willing to waste their youth sowing wild oats. Getting serious about faith when we are young is the best way to optimize life.
Ecclesiastes 12:9-10 (NKJV) 9 And moreover, because the Preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yes, he pondered and sought out and set in order many proverbs. 10 The Preacher sought to find acceptable words; and what was written was upright--words of truth.
Another way that we can optimize life is to pay attention to the Word of God. The Word is full of proverbs that we can ponder, and truths that we can use to set things in order. These upright, words of truth give us the pathways to life.
Ecclesiastes 12:11-12 (NKJV) 11 The words of the wise are like goads, and the words of scholars are like well-driven nails, given by one Shepherd. 12 And further, my son, be admonished by these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh.
Wisdom is a goad. A pokey stick to get us going in the right direction. Wisdom is a nail. A stake driven in the ground by the Wise Shepherd to keep us from wandering. How we steward our life is of vital importance. We recognize that our lives are on loan, we respect God’s place in our lives and obey His commands. We Set a Course to make the most of every Opportunity, Observation, to Obtain wisdom and nail down some truth.
- Pastor Joel Johns
Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 (NKJV) 13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, For this is man's all. 14 For God will bring every work into judgment, Including every secret thing, Whether good or evil.
What should we do?
Fearing God as a principle of life means that we live as if our life is on loan from God. We treat our bodies as His temple, we align our words and actions appropriately. We live with the understanding of God’s Ownership. Obedience follows as we submit our induvial wills to His eternal Word. Keeping His commandments recognizes that at the end of the day, only one Opinion will matter. In the conclusion of the matter, nothing else matters other than God’s Opinion of our lives, therefore we live lives of Obedience under the principle of God’s Ownership.
How do we do this?
Ecclesiastes 12:1 (NKJV) Remember now your Creator in the days of your youth, Before the difficult days come, And the years draw near when you say, "I have no pleasure in them"
Return on investment always depends on how much we invest, and how early we invest. Solomon tells us that the best way that we can apply the principle of ownership is to Remember God when we are young. Too many people are willing to waste their youth sowing wild oats. Getting serious about faith when we are young is the best way to optimize life.
Ecclesiastes 12:9-10 (NKJV) 9 And moreover, because the Preacher was wise, he still taught the people knowledge; yes, he pondered and sought out and set in order many proverbs. 10 The Preacher sought to find acceptable words; and what was written was upright--words of truth.
Another way that we can optimize life is to pay attention to the Word of God. The Word is full of proverbs that we can ponder, and truths that we can use to set things in order. These upright, words of truth give us the pathways to life.
Ecclesiastes 12:11-12 (NKJV) 11 The words of the wise are like goads, and the words of scholars are like well-driven nails, given by one Shepherd. 12 And further, my son, be admonished by these. Of making many books there is no end, and much study is wearisome to the flesh.
Wisdom is a goad. A pokey stick to get us going in the right direction. Wisdom is a nail. A stake driven in the ground by the Wise Shepherd to keep us from wandering. How we steward our life is of vital importance. We recognize that our lives are on loan, we respect God’s place in our lives and obey His commands. We Set a Course to make the most of every Opportunity, Observation, to Obtain wisdom and nail down some truth.
- Pastor Joel Johns
Songs We Sang On Sunday
Continue to enjoy the songs we sang on Sunday as you spend time with the Lord throughout the week.
This Is Amazing Grace - Phil Wickham
Greater Still - Brandon Lake
Yet Not I But Christ Through Me - CityAlight
Jireh - Maverick City Music
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AWANA Leaders Meeting - Wednesday, September 6th @ 6:30pm
AWANA is a Bible-based evangelism and discipleship ministry that is held in churches all over the world. Here at Cornerstone, we host AWANA on Wednesdays at 6:30pm during the Fall and Spring semesters and we need leaders to help us out! There are a variety of ways to serve and you can serve weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly. If you're interested, come on out to our AWANA Leader Meeting to learn more about what we do and find a way to get plugged in!

Worship Night - Sunday, September 17th @ 6:30pm
We will be holding a Fall Worship Night on Sunday, September 17th. We hope you'll join us for this evening of praising our King!