Cornerstone Church,
Ex 2:11-12 says, "11 Now it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out to his brethren and looked at their burdens. And he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his brethren. 12 So he looked this way and that way, and when he saw no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand."
Sometimes we look at external indicators and they all line up. The "it" factor. Moses had "it." The moment was ripe. But what he did not have was the calling or blessing of God. Because of this, his actions were rash, they were misguided and sinful. It was just too much, too soon.
It would take 40 years for Moses to come full circle to the purpose of God for his life. God in His grace was not done with him. God is not done with you either. "But, I messed up," you respond. "I am too old." "I am not a king, but a lowly shepherd." God replies, "I know, but now you are ready."
God has a special way of training His people. It is not in the wisdom, power and opportune time of this world. It just may be on the backside of the desert, face to face with a burning bush. But we will talk more about that next time.
- Pastor Joel Johns
Moses wasn’t ready; the Hebrews were not ready. Moses was educated at the top of Egypt. He was, for all intents and purposes, grandson to Pharaoh. He was in the prime of his life, 40 years old. He was mighty in words and deeds (Acts 7:22). He was motivated by justice, but not spiritually prepared.
Ex 2:11-12 says, "11 Now it came to pass in those days, when Moses was grown, that he went out to his brethren and looked at their burdens. And he saw an Egyptian beating a Hebrew, one of his brethren. 12 So he looked this way and that way, and when he saw no one, he killed the Egyptian and hid him in the sand."
Sometimes we look at external indicators and they all line up. The "it" factor. Moses had "it." The moment was ripe. But what he did not have was the calling or blessing of God. Because of this, his actions were rash, they were misguided and sinful. It was just too much, too soon.
It would take 40 years for Moses to come full circle to the purpose of God for his life. God in His grace was not done with him. God is not done with you either. "But, I messed up," you respond. "I am too old." "I am not a king, but a lowly shepherd." God replies, "I know, but now you are ready."
God has a special way of training His people. It is not in the wisdom, power and opportune time of this world. It just may be on the backside of the desert, face to face with a burning bush. But we will talk more about that next time.
- Pastor Joel Johns
Songs We Sang on Sunday
Continue to enjoy the songs we sang on Sunday as you spend time with the Lord this week.
Raise a Hallelujah - Bethel Music
Christ Our Hope in Life and Death - Keith & Kristyn Getty
Living Hope - Phil Wickham
In Christ Alone - Shane & Shane (orig. Getty Music)
What's New?
We Have a New App!
Chances are, if you're reading this right now, you already know that we have our very first church app! We are so excited to make this available to everyone, and hope you find it to be a useful tool. There are all kinds of features on it, like Event Calendars & Registration, to Small Group Messaging, to making Giving easier. Just search "Cornerstone Church Place" on any app store, and you can find it! If you have any questions at all, feel free to reach out to
Our app also works on Apple Tv and Roku. This is a great way to catch up on previous sermons, or even tune into our live sermons if you're at home or away for a Sunday. Just like the phone app, just search "Cornerstone Church Place," and you'll find it.
Our app also works on Apple Tv and Roku. This is a great way to catch up on previous sermons, or even tune into our live sermons if you're at home or away for a Sunday. Just like the phone app, just search "Cornerstone Church Place," and you'll find it.
101 Announcements
Coming Soon

Polk County Building Meeting - Feb 1st
On February 1st, Polk County Planning will hold a meeting to determine whether our plans to build an addition for our Children's Ministry will be approved by the community or not. Be in prayer that the surrounding community will be excited for this and approve it with no hiccups. The Lord is sovereign over all things!

Grief Share - Feb 3rd @ 10am
Join us for time of processing and working through the loss of a loved one. This week we will be delve into processing through Grief in the Midst of Our Relationships. We hope this can be a blessing to you.

Chili Cook-Off & Cake Auction - Feb 11th @ 4pm
Every year we hold a Chili Cook-Off and Bake Auction as our primary fundraiser for Youth Summer Camp. We have been holding this event for over 10 years now at Cornerstone and it is truly a signature event for us. Please join us as we fellowship over tasty chili, and raise money for our students as they prepare to head out for another life-changing week at summer camp. We hope to see you there!

Church Hymn Sing - Feb 19th @ 6:30pm
This will be an evening of worship as we praise the Lord together with some classic hymns. Join us for a wonderful evening of fellowship!
Stay Connected