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Songs We Sang On Sunday
Continue to enjoy the songs we sang on Sunday as you spend time with the Lord throughout the week.
Lion and The Lamb - Leeland
It Is Well With My Soul - Austin Stone Worship
Abide - The Worship Initiative
Good Plans - Red Rocks Worship
101 Announcements
This Week

Connections Dinner - Tuesday March 19th @ 6:30pm
If you have just recently started attending Cornerstone and are interested in getting to know a bit more about the Church, or if you are interested in pursuing partnership, our Connections Dinner is the perfect event for you! We hold Connections dinner once a month and it is a great place to learn more about what we believe, meet some of our staff, and enjoy some free dinner. We hope to see you there!

Youth Bootcamp - Saturday, March 23rd @ 10am
Sin has never seemed more promising, and enduring through all of the traps of the world in faith seems all but impossible. And students with good intentions may feel as though they have nowhere to turn to grapple with big questions. But God is zealous to deliver and draw young men and women toward Himself as the only Person who fulfills the human heart.
This is an event aimed to open intentional discussion about difficult issues facing today's youth in a smaller group setting. This event is high school only, however if you have a middle school student who would like to attend, please contact Josh Gaydos ( to see if that is a possibility.
Please register using the link below!
This is an event aimed to open intentional discussion about difficult issues facing today's youth in a smaller group setting. This event is high school only, however if you have a middle school student who would like to attend, please contact Josh Gaydos ( to see if that is a possibility.
Please register using the link below!

Grief Share - Friday @ 10am
Join us for a time of processing and working through the loss of a loved one. This Friday we will finish our two-part discussion on The Journey of Grief. We hope this is a blessing to you!
Mark Your Calendars

Palm Sunday Communion - March 24th @ 6:30pm
We will be holding a Palm Sunday Communion service on Sunday, March 24th @ 6:30pm. This will be a time of worship and reflection on Jesus' great sacrifice for us. We hope to see you there!

Easter Weekend - March 30th & 31st
We will be having five Easter services this year! It may sound like a lot, but don't worry, we will be splitting it up between Saturday evening and Sunday morning! Our Saturday evening services, which will be led by our East Campus launch team, will be held at 5pm and 7pm with an Easter Egg Hunt for the kids between! Sunday morning will look much like a normal Sunday for us, with services at 8am, 9:45am, and 11:30am.
We ask that you would register for the service you plan to attend. This does not guarantee a seat for you, as it will be first come first serve, but rather helps us know how many people to expect in each of our services and keep some spots available for visitors!
We ask that you would register for the service you plan to attend. This does not guarantee a seat for you, as it will be first come first serve, but rather helps us know how many people to expect in each of our services and keep some spots available for visitors!
Posted in Weekly Bulletin